Warranty Policy

Limited Warranty

First Co. products are warranted to be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and maintenance for a period of one year from the date of original installation or 18 months from the date of manufacture. Compressors are warranted for 5 years. A new or rebuilt part to replace any defective part that fails within the warranty period will be provided if the defective part is returned to the factory. The replacement part assumes the unused portion of the warranty.

This warranty does not include labor or other costs incurred for diagnosing, repairing, removing, installing, shipping, servicing or handling of either defective parts or replacement parts.

All warranty requests must be made within 90 days from the failure date of the part.

This warranty does not cover and First Co. will not be responsible for:

  1. Normal maintenance.
  2. Shipping or handling damage.
  3. Damage or repairs required as a consequence of faulty installation or misapplication of the product.
  4. Failure of the product to operate due to voltage being more than plus or minus 5% of rated voltage, blown fuses, open circuit breakers, or other damages due to the inadequacy or interruption of electrical service.
  5. Damage or repairs needed as a consequence of any misapplication, abuse, improper servicing, unauthorized alteration, or improper operation.
  6. Damage as a result of floods, water damage, winds, fires, lightning, accidents, corrosive atmosphere, destructive environmental conditions, or other conditions beyond the control of First Co.
  7. Operation of equipment outside the parameters described in the product bulletin.
  8. Any special, indirect, consequential, property, or commercial damage of any nature whatsoever. Damage or destruction of the product by outside sources.

These Limited Warranties do not apply where the Product:

  1. Has been subjected to abuse, misuse, neglect, negligence, accident, improper testing, improper installation, improper storage, improper handling, abnormal physical stress, abnormal environmental conditions, or use contrary to any instructions issued by First Co.
  2. Has been reconstructed, repaired, or altered by persons other than First Co. or its authorized representative.
  3. Has been used with any third-party product, hardware or product that has not been previously approved in writing by First Co.

Internet Sales Policy

First Co. does not warranty any products or parts sold through the Internet by a non-authorized First Co. wholesale distributor. All First Co. products and parts require a qualified and experienced HVAC contractor for installation, service or maintenance. When sold on the Internet, the risk of failure increases; therefore, First Co. does not cover the product when sold via this method.

Warning to Installer, Service Personnel, and Owner

Altering a First Co. product or replacing parts with non-authorized factory parts voids all warranty or implied warranty and may result in adverse operational performance and / or a possible hazardous safety condition to service personnel and occupants. First Co. employees and / or representatives are not authorized to waive this warning. Limitations of Warranty –This warranty is exclusive and in lieu of all other warranties expressed or implied. The remedies provided for in this warranty are exclusive and shall constitute the only liabilities on the part of First Co.

For Service or Repair please contact the installer of the equipment, preferably a licensed HVAC service company if available or the nearest distributor for a recommended HVAC service company.

Download the Warranty Policy for AE Air here.